Friday, May 18, 2007


Throughout my senior year I have kept a blog as an ongoing English project. This blog was a new twist to school assignments that I have enjoyed. Now, almost everything can be done using computers. Assigning school work that could have been hand written onto the computer is a new way to use technology to its fullest.

Altogther there have been seven posts the English blog. The first were sonnets, which I found a little difficult to write poetry using rules and guidelines. The second was the mythology project. This was an interesting research project that allowed me to discover various gods and goddesses within certain religions, and also those within my own heritage. The third, I was instructed to write my own poem. This was a simple assignment that was to imitate the structure of other poems I've read online. The Flash Fiction blog assignment was to read a few flash fiction found online and analyze the literary elements found within it. The fifth blog entry was to research an unsolved crime and then solve it using the information found. The Indepenedent Reading Thesis Paper was a three to four page essay analyzing a book I chose to read. In this paper I proved how problems in life can be solved with simple things, and included explainations of selected elements within the book. The last entry to the English Blog is this Reflection. The whole blog experience has opened my eyes to new ways computers can assist in class assignments.