Ethnic Background - Italian

Giordano Bruno was born in 1548 and died in 1600 by choosing to be burned at a stake. In 1581 he began to give lectures on philosophy. He wrote of places where god did not exist, the mysteries of the virginity or Mary, and the crucifixion and the mass to be meaningless. He also felt the bible was read only by the ignorant.
Aldo Capitini – his beliefs are of Italian idealism. He holds a strong belief against a god of the outside world. He believes reality is a continual creation of man. Capitini speaks of practical mysticism. He wants to change the world.
Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452 and died in 1519. He worked on music, pageantry, portrait painting, decorating, and engineering projects. He also knew much about philosophy, history, science, medicine, and math. His personal goal for each of his portraiture paintings is to find “the intention of man’s soul”.
Umberto Boccioni was born in 1882 and died in 1916. He was a futurist theoretician, painter, and sculptor. His earliest works are romantic, followed by divisionism, the futurist movement, and abstract art.
Nicolo Paganini lived from 1782 to 1840. He first received music lessons from his father. In 1809 he became a soloist performer. He performed pieces ranging from tender to forceful. He was also a composer and wrote music for violin, guitar, and cello.
Adriano Celentano was born in 1938. He began his career as a comedian and impressionist. He is now one of the most famous stars of Italian pop music. He has several record hits. Celentano has released several albums with his latest being released in 2003. He also had a successful acting career.
Ancient Romans believed in several gods and goddesses with each being in control of a certain area.
Saturn - He was one of oldest gods of Rome and a ruler.
Jupiter – God of the sky; the most important ruler.
Juno - She watched over the women in Ancient Rome.
Neptune - God of the seas.
Minerva - Goddess of wisdom.
Mars - God of all wars
Venus - Goddess of love.
Ancient Romans worshipped these gods and goddesses in temples. They made sacrifices of animals and precious belongings to the gods. Worshippers believed after death your spirit went down to the underworld.
By the 4th century A.D., Constantine named Christianity the official religion in Italy.
History Makers
Camillio Golgi was born in 1843 and lived until 1926. He studied medicine, the nervous system, insanity, neurology, and the lymphatics of the brain. He received several awards, including the Nobel Prize of 1906 for his work on the structure of the nervous system.
Galilieo Galiliei lived from 1564 to 1642. His interests include science and mathematics, and he was also an inventor. A few of his famous inventions include the first modern microscope, a compass, and thermometer. He discovered several laws, including formulas involving falling bodies and momentum.
Nice blog
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