Ethnic Background - Hungarian

Elie Wiesel – Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928, in Sighet, Romania. He is the author of 36 books. One of the most horrific events of Wiesel’s life was the holocaust, which he fortunately survived. He has dedicated his life to educating others about the Holocaust.
Agnes heller – Agnes Heller was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1929. She has written philosophy of history, morals, and the theory of modernity.
Georg Lukacs lived from 1885 to 1971. He was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, writer and literary critic.
Miklos Barabas lived from 1810 to 1898. He is a master of portrait painting and was the first Hunarian artist able to live by means of art.
Jozsef Rona lived from 1861 to1939. Rona is a Hungarian sculptor. He created statuettes of biblical and mythological subjects.
László Moholy-Nagy lived from 1895 to 1946. He was a painter, photographer, and art critic.
Bela Bartok was born in 1881 and died in 1945. He was one of the most influential composers of the 20th centuries. He studied piano and composition. His melodies were usually based on folk patterns of the pentatonic scale.
Joseph Szigeti lived from 1892 to 1973. He was a violinist. He performed compositions which included Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. His music is elegant, colorful, and intelligence.
The type of religion practiced in Hungary prior to Christianity was monotheistic with beliefs that god was a formless spirit associated with the sun and sky. God was called Isten. Isten is the supreme god of Hungarians with attributes which include the arrow, the tree, and the horse. Another title of god is Terem-tö which stands for “creator.” One famous mytho of Hungarian religion is that god lived in the 7th heavens, or the golden kingdom. He never interacted with earth and sometimes, in acts of anger, through stones to earth or shot his arrows down to earth. Some ancient goddess names include Nagy Asszony, Boldog Asszony, and Baba. Bab is the feminine mate of the sun. She was the benefactor of marriages, childbirth, and agriculture.
History Makers
Richard Zsigmondy – He lived from 1865 to 1929. He studied chemistry and physics. In 1925 Zsigmondy received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for work on the heterogeneous nature of colloidal solutions. He also invented the ultramicroscope.
Edward Teller was born on January 15, 1908. He is a physicist and famously known as the Father of the H Bomb. He helped develop the atomic bomb and discovered BET Equation. He did work on thermonuclear energy, added to the quantum theory, molecular physics, and astrophysics.
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